Investigation Launched Into Ford F-250 Diesel Trucks Amid Fire and Fuel Leak Concerns

Investigation Launched Into Ford F-250 Diesel Trucks Amid Fire and Fuel Leak Concerns Safety Regulators Scrutinize Ford Over Fuel System Issues The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has initiated an investigation into Ford over alarming reports of diesel fuel leaks in its Super Duty trucks. This development comes in response to many complaints regarding […]

Ford Bronco Recall Due to Fuel Fires | Product Liability Lawyer

Addressing Defective Fuel Systems: the Ford Bronco Recall At Paul | Knopf | Bigger, ensuring the safety of drivers and passengers remains our paramount concern, particularly concerning defective auto fuel systems. Recent events surrounding the Ford Bronco recall due to fire hazards emphasize the critical need for accountability and proactive measures within the automotive industry. […]

In an unprecedented verdict that marks a significant moment in automotive and legal history, a jury has awarded Robert Hetsler, a Jacksonville businessman, $104 million in a lawsuit against the automotive giant Ford Motor Co. The verdict comes after a harrowing incident in 2017 where Hetsler suffered catastrophic injuries from a fire in his 2016 Ford Roush Mustang, which left him with burns over half of his body and the loss of both hands.

Ford Fire Case: Jury Returns $104.6 Million Verdict In an unprecedented verdict that marks a significant moment in automotive and legal history, a jury has awarded Robert Hetsler, a Jacksonville businessman, $104.6 million in a lawsuit against the automotive giant Ford Motor Co. The verdict comes after a harrowing incident in 2017 where Hetsler suffered […]