Year: 2020

This year Paul Knopf Bigger continues its past support of the important efforts to eradicate pediatric cancer. We are proud to support the NPCF Fashion Funds a Cure event in Tampa, FL. Fashion Funds the Cure brings the exciting world of runway fashion together with the dreams of pediatric cancer patients for an upbeat and unforgettable fashion […]

The Origins of Sovereign Immunity “The king can do no wrong” is a maxim that can be traced back to English common law, which became the root of what is known as sovereign immunity today. The doctrine of sovereign immunity means that a governmental entity is free from lawsuits. The reasoning behind this is that […]

The Roots – Interviewing Mayanne Downs In this episode, host David Paul is joined by Lawyer and former president of the Florida bar Mayanne Downs. Together, they tackle both the internal and external struggles many lawyers face, and attempt to address some of the deeper, root issues at play in the Florida legal community.