Florida Construction Accident Lawyers

In today’s market, all types of power tools are sold. They are used by companies and individuals who have home projects they want to complete. Whether purchasing an electrical saw or a nail gun, the expectation is that the product has been designed and constructed within certain safety guidelines. If these expectations are not fulfilled and a loved one or a coworker is injured, it is your right to contact an attorney for justice.
Chainsaws are a useful tool for many tasks, but they are also one of the most dangerous tools on the market. With more than three millions chainsaws sold every year in the U.S., these tools are commonly used despite the many dangers. More than 28,000 chainsaw injuries occur each year, and these can result in serious lacerations and even death.
Manufacturers of power drills have an obligation to their customers to ensure each power tool is free from defects and safe to operate. Despite this responsibility, consumers are injured and killed as a result of defective or unsafe power tools every year.
In many cases, those injured are entitled to compensation from the manufacturer due to negligence in the design, testing, or manufacturing of the power drill that led to injury or death. Many consumers look to reputable legal sources online to determine whether they may have a case following an accident or injury resulting from the use of a power drill or other power tool.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sets stringent guidelines for ladder safety requirements because more than half a million Americans incur accidents involving ladders every year. According to OSHA, all ladders, including stepladders and extension ladders, should undergo inspection before using. Overall, ladders should undergo inspection for loose rungs, cracked uprights, slivers, worn non-slip bases, lose joints, lose screws and knurled steps. Specifically, stepladders should have inspection for worn parts, and broken hinge spreaders.
Nail Guns
When using a nail gun, expectations are that it will fire with a certain amount of force. You also expect one nail to travel into the piece of wood where it is pointed. Sometimes, two nails can fire back-to-back. When your nail gun does not work properly and it is not your fault, an injury most likely will occur.
A nail gun that inadvertently recoils and fires into someone’s head has happened before. It can kill, physically maim and mentally damage that person for life. This is exactly where the nail hit John Laken. His wife and he sued. They won their lawsuit.